Parables of Jesus

5 days of teaching, crafts, teambuilding, nature activities, and more! Video content includes teaching, worship, skit, and instructional videos. Each box includes LWBC Summer 2020 T-shirt.


Get yours today by calling 608-838-3335. (Cost: $50)

Bring camp home this Christmas season…

Expand the celebration of the Birth of Christ. Walkthrough the 4 weeks of Advent (Promise, Prepare, Present, and Proclaim) with a weekly devotional, service project, and creative activity. Enjoy a bonus Christmas day devotional, daily Scripture readings, and sing-a-long Christmas carols. Includes supplies to create a family advent wreath, special gift, and more. Just add easy-to-find household items to supplement your Advent-in-a-box activities. Box is designed for 4 people.


Get yours today by calling 608-838-3335 (Cost $40)